Rock Mountain Nurseries

Plants, Shrubs and Ornamental Tree Specialists


Climbers are a varied and versatile group of plants, they can be used to cover walls, fences, arches, pergolas, obelisks or any unsightly features in your garden. Taking up little ground space they can be used to great effect raising your borders adding a scented backdrop of colour and texture.

Many of our plants are cultivated here at Rocky Mountain Nurseries enabling us to provide hardy garden ready plants at unbeatable prices.

Here are just a few examples of the Climbers we have available at Rocky Mountain Nurseries.

If you can't find what you are looking for here please call or contact us as we may well have it in stock.


Jasminum 0fficinale

Jasminum 0fficinale is a popular climber grown for the masses of highly scented white flowers which continue from mid summer into early autumn. The plants are strong twiners, best grown over a shed, porch, arbour or other outbuilding, or a large old tree stump.


Lonicera Serotina

Lonicera Serotina is a classic cottage-garden climber bearing fragrant, tubular, creamy-white flowers, streaked dark-red purple from July to October.


Montana Grandiflora

Montana Grandiflora, exquisite, pure white, late spring and early summer flowers with yellow centres and dark green leaves. This extremely vigorous clematis is excellent for training over a pergola or covering an unsightly wall, fence or garden shed. It's an ideal climber for a north-facing site.


Trumpet Vine

Campsis Trumpet Vine, are grown for their handsome, ash-like leaves and the bold terminal trusses of orange to red, trumpet-shaped flowers up to 8cm (3in) across, produced on the current season’s growth from late summer to autumn.